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Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

Rich was offensively inept at clipping his post, but wrote:

> Do most people here live in such places?

I live in a small town 45 miles northeast of Sacramento. There's not a
single white peppercorn to be had for at least fifty miles.

> That's why there are recipes? Right?

People buy spice blends because they like the flavor of the blend. The
ingredients are listed on the label, but it could take many expensive tries
to get the proportions right if you wanted to duplicate it. Hey, you're a
proponent of Indo-Pakistani markets, so let me ask you this: Have you ever
seen garam masala for sale in one of those markets? Or have you ever seen
the Goya spice blends in those Latino markets you tout? There are recipes
for THOSE, right? And unlike Penzeys, which clearly lists ALL the
ingredients on its containers, those blends can contain all manner of
mystery ingredients.

Moreover, is there any kind of guarantee that the spices you buy in your
local ethnic markets haven't been sitting around for years and years?

> I dunno; still think they are expensive. I love commerce a la Americana;
> stick a fancy and artful label, place it in an exotic bottle or
> container of some sort, and people buy into this--especially when there
> is a $$$ commercial on TV or magazine, with a catchy tune.

I love the implication that Penzeys packages its spices in a fancy way or
conducts any kind of expensive advertising campaign. Sounds like you're
bashing them without knowing anything about them.

> BTW, there are two cups of coffee that you can buy in a famous Japanese
> restaurant; one that is for 1 the equiv to one dollar, and one that is
> the equiv to 120 dollars. No difference as stated by the owners and
> waiters except for price. Most people at this expensive restaurant
> order the 120 dollar one; go figure... It's either keeping up with the
> Jones, or sheer pride and stupidity!

This sounds false. Can you back it up with facts?

Your claim elsewhere that the rfc readers who buy from Penzeys are
capricious has already been refuted, but maybe you didn't notice. Kimberly
wrote, "This is a company many people on this ng have favored for years."
See, if something goes on for YEARS, then it isn't CAPRICIOUS.
