Holiday Cooking and Baking
On 9/25/2014 11:15 AM, graham wrote:
> On 25/09/2014 7:22 AM, Boron Elgar wrote:
>> On Thu, 25 Sep 2014 07:43:57 -0500, Janet Wilder >
>> wrote:
>>> Many of the Haredi in Israel (Ultra-Orthodox) speak Yiddish.
>>> Yiddish is not dead yet. More people speak it as an everyday language
>>> than those who speak Latin. :-)
>> There are Chasids within the office complex where I work. I hear
>> Yiddish every day.
>> Many year ago when I still lived in the city, my aunt and cousin
>> were visiting and I took them down to Orchard Street (nothing like the
>> gentrified area it is these days) and we wandered into a store to
>> shop. Bargaining was still alive and well down there.
>> All three of us are fair-skinned and blue eyed, with me a blonde and
>> my cousin with light hair. None of the three of us would be considered
>> "Jewish looking".
>> My aunt took an interest in a very nice sweater and as she looked, we
>> heard the two men behind the counter (kippas & tsitsis) discussing the
>> lowest price they'd let the sweater go for. We three women exchanged
>> knowing glances, haggled a bit for fun, made the purchase at that
>> lowest price, and as we were leaving, all three of us switched to
>> Yiddish among ourselves as we walked out. Then we looked back at the
>> two surprised men behind the counter.
>> Boron
> At an "upgrading" high school in this city, some Chinese students were
> talking among themselves about what they would like to do to the
> stunning, typically Scandinavian blonde teacher. She turned around and
> let fly in fluent Cantonese. She never had any discipline problems after
> that.
> Graham
I would love to learn a Chinese language. I regularly have my nails done
and the girls are all Chinese, or Korean in the case of a couple of
them. Most of them chitty chat on and on to each other in Chinese and
I'd so love to know what they are saying.