Costco - Kirkland frozen pizza
On Friday, September 26, 2014 2:56:00 PM UTC-5, Sqwertz wrote:
> On Fri, 26 Sep 2014 13:31:18 -0600, Janet Bostwick wrote:
> > I really like these pizza for doctoring up at home. I am not a pizza
> > aficionado but I do draw the line at a lot of them. I always buy the
> > pepperoni pizza. It is absolutely covered with rounds of pepperoni
> > and then on top of that is an enormous amount of pepperoni sticks.
> > These are rising-crust pizza but do not rise so much that you feel you
> > are eating a loaf of bread. The pizza is saucy with plenty of cheese
> > for me. I then add onions, peppers, mushrooms black olives and fresh
> > tomatoes. They come 4 to a box and go on sale frequently so that you
> > can pick them up for $3+ a pizza. These are a go to, I'm too tired to
> > plan a meal, food. There is also an all cheese pizza.
> I was looking at the various forms of pizza at Costco earlier this
> week and just like in the grocery store, it only costs about $.75 more
> to get a frozen pizza with cheese and topping(s) than it costs to buy
> par-baked pizza crusts (some with sauce packets).
> I just buy cheap frozen pizzas (really cheap here in TX and always on
> sale) and doctor them up with quality ingredients from my fridge. Of
> course some frozen crusts are better than others so I'm trying to
> remember which frozen pizzas have the better crusts - but I always
> forget. I need to start documenting them... HEB rising crust pizzas
> are very good, I know that. I think Red Baron - or whichever one
> Schwan's owns are also good.
I'm baking a Fire Baked Red Baron Pepperoni right now for my wife and son.
I just took out a RB thin crust supreme, which will be cooled off by the
time their pizza is ready. I was the nice dad today, who took Johnny and
his best friend to a skatepark almost 30 miles away, and I skated too, so
I'm pretty beat. I just wanted to have a super-easy dinner, have a few
beers and go to sleep.
God, we went to Taco Bell for lunch, the first time I've been there in
several years, and the only way to make their food enjoyable is to douse
it with mega-amounts of their "Fire Sauce." Two small bean burritos
required thirty-something packets.
> -sw