Desperation Dinner from the Freezer
"Becca EmaNymton" > wrote in message
> On 9/26/2014 8:26 PM, Tara wrote:
>> On Fri, 26 Sep 2014 09:28:40 -0500, Becca EmaNymton wrote:
>>> Sounds good, Tara. Frozen rice also makes good fried rice, later, I cook
>>> a lot, so I have leftover rice to freeze.
>> Our Chinese delivery place always throws a big container of steamed white
>> rice to any order. Most of our meals come with fried rice, so the
>> steamed rice usually goes in the freezer. It comes in handy.
>> Tara
> That is when I started freezing white rice, people would eat Chinese food
> but nobody would touch the containers of rice. I love fresh cooked rice,
> it tastes heavenly to me, but not everybody thinks so.
I have learned not to make or buy fried rice. Nobody here likes it. They
don't like brown rice either although husband is more likely to eat that in
Spanish rice than he will white. If I make or buy white, I will only give
him about 1/2 a cup because he may or may not eat it.
But usually I do not have leftover white rice. A few times I did when
Angela was sick and needing to eat little more than rice. I would make far
too much, she would get better and not want any again. I might then try to
use it for something I would eat, like soup, but a few times I did toss a
little out. However, I usually only make cheap rice when someone is sick.
Their taste buds are off and they don't really care if it is Texmati or the
stuff from the 99 cent bag.