Potato spots again.
"Brooklyn1" > wrote in message
> "Julie Bove" wrote:
>>projektilevomitchick wrote:
>>No doubt. I've been peeling and cooking potatoes for over 30 years and I
>>can't figure out what the hell she's yammering about. Potatoes sprout and
>>are soft? You know, you can feel them in the bag before you buy them.
>>can also sniff the bag and your nose will tell you if they are any good or
>>not. As for the nonsense about having very bad stomach pains after eating
>>potatoes from trimming off the eyes then eating the potatoes, that's just
>>utter rubbish.
>>If this nutjob would get the hell off of the computer and do the job of a
>>homemaker, all of these made-up *problems* of hers would go away.
>>They weren't that way when I bought them. Obviously I would not have
>>them that way.
> Of course you bought them that way, potatoes don't suddenly go bad in
> one day... and the spuds on sale are always of poor quality, that's
> why they are on sale... and some stores always sell Seconds of all
> their produce.
They *didn't* go bad in a day. I had them for more than a day. And I have
no problem eating the eyes. It was someone here that posted a link about
not eating potatoes that have sprouted. I have eaten sprouted potatoes in
the past with no problems. I must have gotten lucky there.
But I also mentioned the brown/black spots. On the *inside*. Most of the
potatoes I got a few years ago were that way.