On 10/2/2014 5:35 AM, Helpful person wrote:
> On Thursday, September 25, 2014 9:03:26 PM UTC-4, Janet Wilder wrote:
>> I was raised as an Orthodox Jew and we never pronounce the name of G-d
>> (except in prayers and when reading the Torah to the congregation), nor
>> do we spell it out when writing. That's why you see the dash.
>> Since I was brought up this way, I find it difficult the change old habits.
> "G-d willing" is a very Jewish phrase, less used today than
> when I was a kid. The reason for the spelling is that the
> name of G-d is sacred and hence must never be thrown away or
> destroyed. (I believe there is a major ceremony, including
> burial, if the true written name is discarded.) Hence not
> writing it down allows it to be used in everyday
> communication.
> Janet, let me add my best wishes to everyone else's for your
> future. Next new year I expect you to be make gefilte fish.
> http://www.richardfisher.com
I don't get it. "God" is not the name of God any more than "Helpful
Person" is your name. I know the name of God and it sure ain't God.
Please use all your powers of helpfulness to make me see the light.