On Sun, 5 Oct 2014 12:13:19 -0500, Sqwertz >
>On Sun, 05 Oct 2014 12:48:44 -0400, jmcquown wrote:
>> This is one of the reasons I don't often take food pics. The primary
>> reason is I'd rather eat what I've cooked than stand around trying to
>> get the "perfect" photographic shot while my food sits there and gets
>> cold. I don't cook so I can take photographs. I cook to eat.
>It takes me less than 30 seconds to snap a couple shots - and that
>includes walking it out to the back deck for better lighting. Yes -
>there are people that spend much more time doing that, and then even
>more time photoshopping it, but it's not necessary.
>The notion that your food will get cold (or warm) doesn't hold water.
Very true. Most people here only talk a good meal but what they
actually eat is Spaghettios (shoveled cold from the can) washed down
with a five liter box of wine.
I didn't cook today, I mowed lawns from 9 AM till 5:30 PM (hopefully
last time this year), dinner was a nuked container of cabbage and egg
noodles and cherry coke with Crystal Palace vodka. I'll cook
tomorrow, have an eyeround defrosting... thinking stir fried string
beans with spicy blackbean sauce... maybe some fly lice.
Yesterday was burgers... with caramelized onions: