On Thu, 09 Oct 2014 22:06:03 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
> On 10/9/2014 4:33 PM, sf wrote:
> >
> > Looks like you bought the wrong phone for your camera wants/needs.
> > Google "Samsung Galaxy S5 vs HTC One (M8)".
> >
> On the cameras:
> http://www.stuff.tv/galaxy-s5/samsun...one-m8/feature
> Winner: Draw
> I did find it has an HDR mode that will compensate for some of the
> lighting problems but I did not try it yet.
> I bought it to talk on. Camera is incidental
Why did you bring it up if the camera function is incidental?
> and I prefer using my
> Nikon SLR for serious photography. I may take a dozen photos a year on
> it. None of the photos I take on it will ever be printed, but it has
> been handy to grab a snapshot
DD has a Nikon and loves it. But she's going to upgrade it for some
reason. I think it's because she decided she likes to take portrait
style pictures and some Nikon that has a price with more zeros is
supposedly better.
> At work I use an old Kodak, one of the early digitals, that does what I
> need, mostly making a record of something for future reference.
That's how I use my cell phone camera in general. What I love is my
memory card.
Never trust a dog to watch your food.