British food
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Davio McDavitt
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British food
(Fx199) wrote in message >...
> >Even in the USA
> >where consumers accept very poor environmental and food standards
> When in doubt, insult the USA
In my defence I would say that I was not attacking America, I was
attacking Marks and Spencers, I was using a rather obvious carbuncle
on Uncle Sams nose to club them with. Americans are even more
apathetic than we, the Brits are,regarding the environment and being
put upon by government, big business and the media (If Fox News can be
thus described!!!!HaHa??????).
I rather like Yankydoodlies but would prefer that they got their act
together and tried to join up with the rest of the world before it is
too late (yes there is such a thing as the rest of the world).
Restoring America's standing in the world should be a priority for
every US citizen.
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