That apple you just bought might be a year old ? but does it matter?
On Sun, 12 Oct 2014 10:43:57 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>On 10/12/2014 9:02 AM, Janet wrote:
>> Many Brits have never picked a perfectly ripe fresh orange straight
>> from the tree (or a pineapple, avocado, banana) and sadly an ever
>> decreasing number have never picked a perfect British apple pear or plum
>> straight from a tree either. Those who don't know any better than
>> imported assume the second rate is as good as it gets.
>> Janet UK
>It is not just Brits. It is mostly anyone under about 40 has never had
>true vine ripened fruits and veggies Yet we buy peaches in February so
>the market will supply them.
>Some of the fruits I enjoyed years ago I rarely buy today because of the
>way they are picked and handled and the lack of flavor. Grapes are not
>as sweet, bananas have little taste and seedless watermelons are bland.
Um, bananas never come into the US ripe, they are always shipped full
green... but even in the tropics for local use they are harvested
green. Once they begin to ripen at the plantation by morning the
jungle critters will get them all, just before daybreak the large
tropical birds will devour them. Bananas don't travel well once they
begin to ripen, they bruise easily. Bananas ripen well off the plant,
they will develop full flavor. But not pineapple, once picked that's
it, they do not ripen off the plant. I never buy fresh pineapple at
market, they are green and taste nothing like plantation ripened....
better to buy canned.