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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Porcupine Meatballs

"Roy" > wrote in message
> On Sunday, October 12, 2014 4:59:06 PM UTC-6, Julie Bove wrote:
>> I'm making these for dinner. Paula Deen's recipe. I still don't care
>> for
>> her but I looked up this recipe right away when I saw her make it because
>> it
>> doesn't use any of the crap that many other such recipes do such as
>> ketchup
>> or canned soup. And no, I don't use the seasoned salt or her herb blend.
>> I
>> just put in what I think should be in there.

> Why are they called "Porcupine Balls"? Is Paula Deen really Paul Deen?
> ====

Because of the rice inside. As they bake, the rice starts to pop out and
make them look prickly. Some recipes do not use extra rice in the dish.
Only in the meatballs. Kids are supposed to love them but I never had them
as a kid and I never made them until Angela was older. So I have never seen
a kid's reaction to them.