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David E. Ross[_2_] David E. Ross[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 63
Default Porcupine Meatballs

On 10/12/2014 5:26 PM, Roy wrote:
> On Sunday, October 12, 2014 4:59:06 PM UTC-6, Julie Bove wrote:
>> I'm making these for dinner. Paula Deen's recipe. I still don't care for
>> her but I looked up this recipe right away when I saw her make it because it
>> doesn't use any of the crap that many other such recipes do such as ketchup
>> or canned soup. And no, I don't use the seasoned salt or her herb blend. I
>> just put in what I think should be in there.

> Why are they called "Porcupine Balls"? Is Paula Deen really Paul Deen?
> ====

They get their name from the rice, which sometimes sticks out like
porcupine quills.

When my brother (now in his 60s) was in junior high school (now called
middle school), he would eat in the school cafeteria. Once, when they
were serving porcupine balls, he asked the server "What do they do with
the rest of the porcupine?" He was told to bring his lunch from home
ever after then.

David E. Ross

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