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Travis McGee Travis McGee is offline
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Posts: 480
Default Best Fish Cookbook

On 10/13/2014 5:01 PM, James Silverton wrote:
> On 10/13/2014 4:40 PM, cshenk wrote:
>> Pringles CheezUms wrote in
>>> I want to learn to cook fish dishes that people will actually want to
>>> eat.
>>> 1 - Do any of you have a very-easy-to-make fish dish that your family
>>> asks for over and over?
>>> 2 - What's a good cookbook, one that has good basic instruction as
>>> well as some great recipes?
>>> There are several high-rated books on amazon that have a decent number
>>> of reviews, including ones by Bittman, Moonen, and Peterson.
>>> But I prefer personal recommendations, which is why I'm posting here.
>>> Thanks for the help!

>> The most common failure is overcooking fish. It should be done at 350F
>> for 10 mins per inch thick and with some types, a bit less.
>> Fish is not beef or pork. Most online recipes overcook it to
>> fish-leather.
>> Carol

> What I'd like to know is not how to cook fish but where to get decently
> fresh fish. Most supermarket stuff is ancient.

Sunset Magazine is a "lifestyle" magazine for the western USA; they
cover travel, architecture, cooking, and other such topics. Over the
years they have published a series of small (< 150 pages) cookbooks on a
variety of topics; I own several, and they are very good, with
well-tested recipes that are not hard to do.

One that I own is the "Sunset Seafood Cookbook"; I have made a number of
recipes from this book, with great success. Recipes have illustrated
preparation details, and there is a guide to buying fish, among other
essential fish-related topics. This book was published in 1981, but I am
sure it can be found on Abebooks or Amazon, used. I recommend it highly.