How much garbage do you generate?
We have really cut back on the amount of paper we use.
As Becca mentioned, cruise lines no longer print off the kinds of
brochures that they used to... everything is online. Some brochures are
available, but you ave to ask for them... they are no longer sent
A few years ago we bought a printer that prints on both sides of a piece
of paper. Mostly, many of our records are now stored online. No paper
needed and we can access them from any place where we can connect to the
internet. Our current project is to recreate our entire customer
database online and do away with all files in the office. We just got
started and it will take a while as we have thousands of names in our
Almost all ticketing is done electronically online... paper tickets are
a thing of the past. The only thing you really have to print when you go
on a cruise is your boarding pass and that is starting to evolve where
people will be able to do that on their smart phones... just like in the
We are getting as green as possible.... and finding that in adition to
being ecologically friendly, it is also a more efficient way for us to
do business.
George L