"Oregonian Haruspex" > wrote in message
> On 2014-10-14 19:15:49 +0000, Janet Bostwick said:
>> On Tue, 14 Oct 2014 17:18:45 +0000 (UTC), Oregonian Haruspex
>> > wrote:
>> snip but I think that
>>> there is a large population of people who would never use anything but
>>> Uncle Ben's or other instant rice products, and this is the only "rice"
>>> they know. That or these inept recipe writers are trying to kill us,
>>> which
>>> (if you have ever watched Sandra Lee) is also a distinct possibility.
>> Uncle Ben's is not just instant rice
>> http://www.unclebens.com/
>> Janet US
> Of course they have an array of stuff from packaged microwaveable
> pre-cooked rice, to "meal" packets made almost entirely out of MSG, and so
> forth, but Uncle Ben's popularized quick-cook parboiled rice to such an
> extent that it is a synonym for it much like Kleenex is a synonym for
> facial tissue.
Not to me they didn't but I also didn't know that they made such a thing.
I used to buy precooked rice in pouches. Not sure what brand those were but
after I got the moldy one, never again. I mostly buy brown and white
Texmati now. I usually keep some kind of Asian rice but have none at the
moment. And I usually buy a cheap bag of some kind of white rice to keep
for when someone is sick. In that case, the rice eater usually feels crappy
enough not to care what it tastes like. But since I did the cupboard clean
out and used up all the older food or dribs and drabs of things, I have only
the Texmati.