Thread: Beef Wellington
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rosie[_1_] rosie[_1_] is offline
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Default Beef Wellington

On Thursday, October 16, 2014 8:10:40 PM UTC-5, DavidW wrote:
> I've only had it once, at a restaurant a year or two ago. I was really looking
> forward to it but disappointed when I found that the shell was bread-like rather
> than puff pastry. I'm sure it would have been better with puff pastry. Why mess
> with a classic?

Have only had it with a puff pastry, but who knows how it can be served. I was recently in France, the big thing I noticed was serving food Deconstructed. I had Beef wellington Deconstructed , which basically meeant it was all mixed up in a mess. Lasagna deconscructed, instead of layers, all mixed up. I was less than thrilled.