Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2014-10-14 11:30 AM, sf wrote:
> >>> Yep. That was a piece of misinformation that was floating around at the
> >>> highest levels on the US administration for years. Janel Napolitano.
> >>> Secreatary of the Department of Homeland Security said it four years
> >>> after the incident, despite a comprehensive report that found that the
> >>> conspirators had all been living in the US for months or longer. Newt
> >>> Gingrich and a number of US senators have also made public comments
> >>> about the 9/11 terrorists having sneaked in from Canada.
> >>
> >> I heard it repeated as recently as this past spring. GWB encouraged
> >> them to think that way - I wondered if he was so inclined because he
> >> had to favour Mexicans, probably where his cocaine came from.
> >
> > Honestly, I blame him less and less for everything that happened on
> > his watch. I'm pretty sure most of the misinformation originated over
> > at Faux News. You didn't really think GWB was the one driving policy
> > or making the hard political decisions while he was in office, did
> > you? Cheney was behind all of it and GWB did whatever bossman Cheney
> > told him to do.
> You don't blame the *president* because you think that he was being
> mislead by the vice president ????? You think he got his intelligence
> from Fox news?????
She's a strange one here, Dave. Most of us know better than that