On Fri, 17 Oct 2014 06:35:08 -0700, Bi!! wrote:
> On Thursday, October 16, 2014 3:22:41 PM UTC-4, Emery Davis wrote:
>> On Thu, 16 Oct 2014 10:51:05 -0700, Bi!! wrote:
>> > SOunds great Emery. Where does get roebuck these days?
>> Hey Bill,
>> You know the answer to that.
The roebuck comes from the same place
>> as
>> the plums and blackberries. That's what we call "eat local."
>> -E
> One of the great pleasures I get from my farm is the local provisions.
> Fresh eggs, local heritage breed pork and lamb all from within a mile.
> Goat cheese made right down the road, berries in season from our bushes
> and plenty of fresh veggies from the garden including the best sweet
> corn you can imagine right out our back door. Fresh fish from our pond
> (Bass, Crappie and Catfish) and Venison, Turkey,quail and
> pheasant.....and mushrooms! We drink a lot of Rhone wines as I find
> them to be a perfect fit with game of all types. Enjoy!
That sounds like a very similar circumstance, even if separated by the
pond! Wish we could get sweet corn though. I brought over seed a few
times but I don't think there was really enough sun to ripen properly.
Mushrooms, indeed! I know you get morels too, which we don't sadly.
Yesterday we had a nice haul of cepes, today some hedgehogs, girolles and
lepiotes. Couldn't agree more about Rhones with game; though for
tonight's (farm-raised) rabbit I got out a bottle of the Coudert bojo
that was discussed here recently.
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