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Default Lentil Soup 8/18

On Sat, 18 Oct 2014 20:33:24 -0400, jmcquown >

> I made a pot of lentil soup tonight. Brown lentils, rinsed then cooked
> in a deep pot with sauteed onion and garlic, seasoned with salt &
> pepper. It really doesn't take much more than that. Add water or broth
> or stock to cover well. In this case I added sliced smoked beef sausage
> so I used beef broth. I added frozen spinach just as it was just about
> cooked through. (One of these days I really should try adding kale but
> I like spinach.)
> I baked a loaf of Southern skillet cornbread (not to be confused with
> Ophelia's quest for yeast corn bread) to go with it. What a nice bowl
> of hearty soup on a finally cool evening.
> Quite tasty, and of course, there will be leftovers for tomorrow or the
> next day and also for the freezer.

I made lentil stew tonight!

I did pretty much what you did it - mirepoix (heavy on the onion +
extra garlic and cumin + s&p). I used chicken broth instead if beef,
because I had some that needed to be used... and a can of diced
tomatoes. The meat was (fresh) Brazilian chorizo that I browned
before adding to the pot. I wanted to add spinach, but there was none
in the freezer (which is very unlike me because I always have it on
hand) - so it's on the shopping list now.

I had corn bread in the freezer, but I served my stew over (converted)

Avoid cutting yourself when slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them.