Thread: Thanksgiving
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Michel Boucher[_3_] Michel Boucher[_3_] is offline
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Default Thanksgiving

"Cheri" > wrote in

>>> Whenever I hear the word
>>> "homeland", it reminds me of Nazi Germany.

>> Heimat. Exactly! I have the same reaction and I'm not
>> USAian.

> Especially when a lot of police are sporting the skinhead look
> these days. I don't like that either.

The skinhead look is not connected to Nazi Germany but rather to
White paranoid (stupid) racists in Europe and North America.

The sad thing is that the skinhead movement originally was popular
among London working class youth, and it was about elements,
influenced by Jamaican rude boys, not politics or race. In fact,
in the 60's, there were black skinheads.


Socialism never took root in America because the
poor there see themselves not as an exploited
proletariat but as temporarily embarassed
millionaires. - John Steinbeck