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Janet Wilder[_4_] Janet Wilder[_4_] is offline
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Default Disabled Veterans National Foundation.

On 10/19/2014 3:05 PM, wrote:
> On Sunday, October 19, 2014 11:55:52 AM UTC-5, Pete C. wrote:
>> Cheri wrote:
>>>>> But they, at least in the past, used strong arm techniques at the
>>>> workplace to get their donations. And there was scandal in at least one of
>>>> their local outfits. And they ban donations to groups based on UW's
>>>> political agenda. Best to just give to the specific charity you want,
>>>> rather than run it through a clearinghouse.

>>> Yes, they used to force you to donate by taking it out of your check, but
>>> that was a long time ago, might be different now but that always left a bad
>>> taste in my mouth for the organization.

>> They still do that kind of scam, and they wine and dine company execs to
>> meet fundraising goals. To this day they still try to get everyone to
>> "acknowledge" the "campaign", something I still refuse to do, so the
>> execs at my company never meet their "goals". **** the corrupt UW.

> The company I work for used to be really active in the UW and do all these campaigns for about a week prior to their big drive to encourage employees to donate. And yes, they did all those dinners and receptions for the executives.
> But another company bought us several years ago and they are not into charity/UW thing so we never heard anything about donating or any campaigns. But we were never strong armed in the past.

I was the collector for United Way in our office at the bank. I didn't
force anyone to sign up for payroll deductions, but did ask for a small
check. If I got 100% participation I got two tickets to the corporate
box to watch the Devils (hockey). That box was right on the red line.
Got tickets three years in a row.

Not at all ashamed of it as we in the Charitable Trust Department knew
the local UW well and had even helped them with some of their funding

From somewhere very deep in the heart of Texas