Sqwertz wrote:
>l not -l wrote:
>>Sqwertz wrote:
>>> As someone who really dislikes pumpkin, I'll sure be glad when this
>>> damned pumpkin season is over so I don't have to see pumpkin
>>> milkshakes, pumpkin lattes, pumpkin bread, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin
>>> dip, pumpkin ice cream, pumpkin pie liquor, pumpkin beer (just threw
>>> up in my mouth), pumpkin air freshener, pumpkin candles, etc...
>>> everywhere I look.
>>> Pumpkin season is far worse than my fruitcake aversion. At least I
>>> don't have to see and hear about fruitcake everywhere I go.
>> +1. I am so sick of seeing pumpkin this-that-and-the-other-thing - stuff
>> that, IMHO, should never be pumpkin flavored. Pumpkin-frenzy is another
>> example of the horrid effects of Starbuckism.
>> There, I feel better - at least until I go somewhere and see another pumpkin
>> abomination. 8-(
>So then you probably don't want to know that tomorrow (or 'today' for
>most of you - October 21st) is National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day.
>-sw <ducking>
Consider you don't need to scoop pumpkin cat poops:
Canned pumpkin mixed with their canned food helps cats to pass
hairballs... better than wiping thm off the floor. The canned corned
beef was on sale so figured I'd try it again after more than 50 years,
soon as I opened the can I knew, it schtinks so bad! Gonna try
feeding it to the barn cats when it gets cold enough to freeze witch's
tiddys... notice it still needs a key to open.