Potatoes are potatoes
"alzelt" > wrote in message
> Peter Aitken wrote:
> > "alzelt" > wrote in message
> > ...
> >
> >>I would have agree with you 100% until I received the Latest "Cooks
> >>Illustrated." Lo and behold, they argue for the lowly russet. Go figure
> >>(or read the article).
> >>--
> >>Alan
> >>
> >
> >
> > In their cookbook the CI people pan the russet and praise the red bliss
> > potato salad. Have they changed their minds?
> >
> >
> Yes.
> --
> Alan
Now I'm curious (I do not subscribe to CI any more). Every time I have tried
to make potato salad with russets I have ended up with a mushy unappealing
mess. Do they suggest any special techniques or anything else? Not that I
always agree with CI, but I usually find their ideas worth trying.
Peter Aitken
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