Siobhan Perricone > wrote in
> On 9 Aug 2004 22:09:10 -0500, "Bob" >
> wrote:
>>Damn! I thought this was going to be a "what do you take to work for
>>lunch?" thread. I was really looking forward to some useful hints
>>along those lines.
> Ok, so let's start that! Though I'm afraid I don't have a lot of
> creativity when it comes to lunches. (also, as mentioned before, I'm
> diabetic, so I eat low carb most of the time)
> I often take leftovers (like, today is leftover meatloaf).
> I eat "plastic lunch" which is frozen entree/dinner thingies that I
> get for cheap (I try to keep my lunches under $2 for the food part). I
> don't bother putting them in the fridge, I bring them to work in the
> morning and by lunch time they've actually thawed enough to only take
> a couple of minutes to get hot in the microwave.
> Sometimes I take frozen cooked shrimp in a plastic container with a
> bunch of lemon juice and let it thaw on my desk (it's usually still
> somewhat frozen at lunch time) then I'll rinse it with hot water (to
> finish the thawing and I don't like eating it directly from the lemon
> juice, it's too strong but by lunch time the lemon's done its thing so
> the shrimp has a nice lemony taste). When I do this I also have diced
> avocado that's been tossed with lemon juice and kosher salt on the
> side. This is an incredibly low carb lunch. 
> Or I eat one of the soups from my food stash, or peanut butter and
> jelly. Though I usually prefer a hot lunch.
> Once in a great while I'll pay way too much money for something from
> the cafeteria, but not often since they've changed management again
> and their choices are crap.
> I'm looking forward to some new ideas, too! 
I sometimes make a kinda rice rice salad...cooked rice, mixed veggies,
leftover meat, mushrooms, nothing stays constant except the rice. Then
decide later at work whether to add salsa, shredded cheese and sour cream
and make rollups. Heat them up and eat. Or heat it up and eat it as a
casserole (no tortilla...) just in the bowl).
Or leave it plain (sans salsa,cheese and sour cream) and add some dressing
and eat it as a cold salad.
canned salmon is good in the mix as a rice salad.
turkey/chicken is better in a tortilla.
Sometimes a stuffed baked potato, to reheat.
I seem to always make too much I take that to work as well.
to eat and share...The work crowd like that wild rice and almond soup a
great deal.
We occassionaly (bout every 3rd week) hit a ethnic grocery and binge on the
deli meats, black breads and cheeses. Or whatever is offered ethnicwise.
Last time it was a german store...first time I ever had meat salad and
butter cheese and their pickled garlic was good too. Or the greek store
lasagna,hummous and tricopia<sp??> a 3 cheese type phylo dealie::no
spinach. Or the Italian place or the thai place.
We all chuck in say 10 bucks and go wild in the place. We can eat for
several days on the food we buy.
Once during Prohibition I was forced to live for days on nothing but food
and water.