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Mixing bowls
"Brooklyn1" > wrote in message
> On Wed, 29 Oct 2014 07:58:37 -0400, The Cook >
> wrote:
>>On Wed, 29 Oct 2014 02:47:57 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> wrote:
>>>I feel so out of the loop. I am on my second set of Pyrex mixing bowls.
>>>This one was probably purchased back in the mid 1980's. Set of four,
>>>bowls, primary colors. I had the same set prior but the colors were
>>>different. I made the mistake of putting those in the dishwasher.
>>>Apparently the dishwasher in my first apartment was particularly rough or
>>>something. Not only did it break my glasses but it chipped the paint off
>>>the bowls. They were still usable but looked like crud. So I got this
>>>but at some point, the 4 quart (the largest) bowl broke. And I hadn't
>>>really needed it until now.
>>>I have been making bread dough in the metal bowl that came with my
>>>Revereware but I have come to realize that it just isn't big enough.
>>>batch of dough was particularly bad in that it seemed to rise much more
>>>the previous ones. I did read on the website where I got the recipe that
>>>because of the way this dough is, it can slop over the sides of the bowl
>>>pan. And it did slop over the bowl. Grrr... I lost some of the dough.
>>>I do have other mixing bowls. I have a huge one that is probably 20
>>>That's really too big for this use and really it sits in the corner
>>>odd things like frilly toothpicks and my food scale. I also have a set
>>>"pudding basins" but they are very heavy (stoneware) and I think not the
>>>right design for a mixer or bread dough. Rather than being rounded
>>>like the Pyrex, they have a flat bottom and they are taller and more
>>>upright. If that makes sense.
>>>No problem, I thought. I'll just order another set of Pyrex! They've
>>>making those since my mom was a kid. I saw my grandma's set and my mom
>>>a set of colored ones but also some blue and white ones. At one point
>>>colors weren't primary and there was a pink bowl. I was eager to see what
>>>colors they offer now! But... Horrors! They are no longer being made
>>>they want a pretty penny for a vintage set.
>>>What seems to be available now is plastic, melamine, bamboo, metal, clear
>>>glass and stoneware. *sigh* I settled on a set of metal ones. Although
>>>do occasionally use the microwave for things I'm going to mix, like
>>>butter, I guess I can still do that in the three remaining although
>>>decrepit looking bowls.
>>>So I am sad. I will keep my eye out as I go shopping. This set of bowls
>>>didn't cost very much and a chef said that they were so thin that he
>>>sure they would hold up to a mixer. I do use my mixer but with the dough
>>>hooks so I don't think that would be a problem. But I am sad because I
>>>looking forward to a nice bright set of new bowls!
>>I have been using the same set of Pyrex bowls for years and they are
>>still fine. The color has faded from years of being put in the
>>dishwasher. The only one that has been broken was because it was
>>dropped on the floor. No problem, went to a couple of antique stores
>>and found a replacement. That is where to look if you want a vintage
>>set or even one to complete your set. And if you don't have to have
>>the same design or color it should not be hard to find the right size.
>>I now have another complete set just like the first one, just in case,
>>or to use when I need more that one of a particular size.
> I have one Pyrex bowl, a 1 1/2 qt, it's my favorie soup/ceral bowl,
> was my grand mother's. I don't like glass bowls for mixing, I prefer
> stainless steel, and the set from Williams sonoma is the best I've
> ever seen:
> best%7C0%7C1%7C24%7C%7C2&cm_src=PRODUCTSEARCH||NoF acet-_-NoFacet-_-NoMerchRules
Those look similar to the big one that I have although it came from Walmart.
I would likely never use the lids though. I did see a lot of bowls with