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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Self-perpetuating Charities

"pltrgyst" > wrote in message
> On 10/29/14, 6:24 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> The vaccine isn't very effective. Angela had it but was still sick for
>> about 2 months with the whooping cough. So was my mom.

> The current pertussis vaccine, while relatively new, is quite effective --
> 70 to 90%. But you have to keep it current.
> Note from the final paragraph: "If you get the vaccine and still get
> whooping cough, you will have fewer coughing fits, shorter illness, and be
> less likely to suffer from disease complications."
> "CDC is studying the long-term effectiveness of adolescent and adult
> whooping cough vaccines
> In general, Tdap vaccination protects 7 out of 10 people who receive it,
> but protection fades over time....
> CDC's current estimate is that Tdap vaccination protects against whooping
> cough in about 7 out of 10 people who receive it. We are still working to
> understand how that protection decreases over time as antibody levels
> drop....
> In general, DTaP vaccination is effective for up to 8 or 9 out of 10
> children who receive it, but protection fades over time.
> Since the childhood whooping cough vaccine (called DTaP) has been used
> since the 1990s and almost every child gets it, we have study results on
> long-term protection. In general, DTaP vaccines are effective for 8 or 9
> out of 10 children who receive them. Among children who get all 5 doses of
> DTaP vaccine on schedule, effectiveness is very high within the year
> following the 5th dose — nearly all children (98 out of 100) are fully
> protected. There is a modest decrease in effectiveness in each following
> year. About 7 out of 10 of children are fully protected 5 years after
> getting their last dose of DTaP vaccine and the other 3 are protected
> against serious disease....
> If you get the vaccine and still get whooping cough, you will have fewer
> coughing fits, shorter illness, and be less likely to suffer from disease
> complications. By getting the vaccine, you will also transfer antibodies
> (proteins produced by the body to fight off diseases) to your baby. Even
> if your baby gets whooping cough, these antibodies can protect her against
> the severe outcomes that come along with the disease. However, for women
> vaccinated during pregnancy, CDC does not yet have an exact estimate as to
> how long that short-term protection lasts in babies. Studies have shown
> that the antibodies will last until your baby can start getting her own
> vaccines. That is why it is critical that your baby starts getting the
> whooping cough vaccine for children on time at 2 months of age."
> -- Larry

And yet, she was severely sick for two months!