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graham[_4_] graham[_4_] is offline
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Default Self-perpetuating Charities

On 30/10/2014 3:27 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2014-10-30 5:19 PM, sf wrote:
>>> The shingles vaccine is only 60% effective. Don't ask me how I know.

>> I'm not one to say, well it doesn't work 100% so I won't get the
>> vaccine. I'm hoping whatever effectiveness it has works it's miracle
>> on me if/when I ever come down with shingles.

> I thought the idea of it working its miracle on you is that you don't
> come down with it. I have heard horror stories about shingles.
> Apparently the shot is quite expensive and,

In Alberta ~$220, most of which is the cost of the vaccine.
A friend in the UK is currently suffering from an attack and
"suffering" doesn't go halfway to describe the pain, apparently.