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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Posts: 12,851
Default A *real* restaurant review.

On 10/31/2014 5:32 PM, notbob wrote:

> I've seen a couple eps in the past, but I can now watch it all. The
> 1st ep was pretty interesting. Good food ideas and you can duplicate
> them fairly easy. Yes, GF is a douche, but then who isn't.
> His sunglasses on the back of his head is nowhere near as annoying as
> a guy who was part owner of the best pub in our town. He never worked
> there, jes dropped in to be seen by his adoring fans (it was a really
> good pub) and oversee his kingdom. He would take his Italian designer
> sunglasses off his eyes and park them right in the middle (?) of his
> Luke Perry forehead. Not on top of his head, like most ppl, but in
> the middle of his forehead!! I don't even think I can do that. It
> was infuriating! I wanted to slap 'em across the damn room, along
> with the smug smile that always accompanied his gloat. 8:|
> nb

He's like 1980's cool or something. If 1980 ever comes back, he may be
cool again.

IIRC, he got his TV start on Food Network Next Star as a contestant I
guess he won. He also hosted a game show on NBC for a season. He has
the raucous personality needed for it I guess.