On Wednesday, November 5, 2014 6:19:25 AM UTC-5, Ophelia wrote:
> May I ask what kind of foods he is permitted?
Sure. Thanks for taking an interest.
They've got these protein shakes (he gets the chocolate ones) that
are about 160 calories each. He has to drink five per day. Then
one or two meals he can have these packaged main dishes that are
also about 150-200 calories each. They are very lean versions
of lasagna, beef stew, some sort of Thai curry, chicken with mushrooms, etc.
The web site for the program is
I can't say as I'd choose to go that way, but he seems
really happy with his progress (down from 370 to 340
in a month). I'm reasonably satisfied with mine (down
from 261 to 254 in the same time), and I get to eat
real food. Last night was tossed salad, a little ham, and
about 5 ounces of baked sweet potato.