On 2014-11-08, Sqwertz > wrote:
> as GMO. As written, pretty much all packaged foods including cooking
> oil, crackers, cookies, canned veggies, etc... would have had to have
> been labeled as such.
And so???.......
Yes, I know that at least 80% of the stuff on sprmkt shelves would
have a "contains GMOs" label on 'em. That's pretty much the whole
point of GMO labeling. Duh! Did Coloradoan's think they'd
automatically have to quit eating everything with a GMO label on it?
I pretty much know what foods have GMOs in 'em, but I'd still like to
see 'em labeled as such.
As for the thing about vendors can add their own GMO label if they
choose to..... can they? ....really? I know that at one time it was
ill advised to label your milk to be "rBGH free" (another Monsanto
gem) in CA. Not sure if it was illegal to do so or if Monsanto would
jes send out a legal team to harass you with "food libel laws" (which
CO already has pleanty of). Whatever the mechanism, it worked. Ask