Is Gluten Sensitivity for Real?
On 11/13/2014 11:18 AM, Roy wrote:
> On Thursday, November 13, 2014 12:38:24 PM UTC-7, ImStillMags wrote:
>> On Thursday, November 13, 2014 9:38:45 AM UTC-8, notbob wrote:
>>> On 2014-11-13, Mark Storkamp > wrote:
>>>> It might make a cynical person think they're just doing this for the
>>>> funding.
>>> Ya' think!?
>> My take is this. If you feel better not eating gluten, don't eat it.
>> But you have to be willing to do do the elimination diet routine to see which foods affect you adversely. If a food bothers you or gives you gastric distress or disagreeable symptoms.......duh.....don't eat it.
> The percentage of people who have problems with gluten are quite small but these turkeys who write books like "Wheat Belly" cause people to think otherwise. Your advice is good.
It's the same hysteria with MSG. Some Chinese guy writes a letter to the
New England Journal of Medicine describing a set of reactions that he
got when eating at Chinese restaurants in the US and speculates on some
ingredients that might be responsible for it - MSG being one of them.
This rings a chord with people and the idea goes viral even before there
was Youtube. Chinese Restaurant Syndrome was born and the rest is
history. It was the letter that shook heaven and earth - culinarily
speaking. :-)