Is Gluten Sensitivity for Real?
On 2014-11-14, Steve Freides > wrote:
> Mark Storkamp wrote:
>> Not having read that article, were they saying that some gluten free
>> products do contain gluten, or that people don't all need to go gluten
>> free? I could believe the former to be true, since I've had salt free
>> foods that were definitely salted.
> IMHO, the article presents a lot of facts and stories, and doesn't draw
> a lot of conclusions. They leave that up to you, and so will I.
Seems to me it's all misdirection, a red herring. Get all upset about
gluten, carbohydrates, e-coli, peanuts, fingers in chili, etc, while
totally ignoring the fact the big ag is dumping more and more toxic
chemicals on everything you eat/touch/drink/ingest, every single day.
Everything is dying. Bees, breasts, balls, you name it, it's on the
short list.
They've found more than a 150 industrial chemicals in a newborn baby's
umbelical cord, ferchrysakes! Now that the most media outlets are
part of the same conglomerates as the chemcos, yer not likely to hear
much about it, like the DDT scares of the 50s. Silent Spring? Try
silent Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter.