Is Gluten Sensitivity for Real?
On Fri, 14 Nov 2014 13:43:09 -0800 (PST), dsi1 >
> I think you're right that the Chinese aren't innovators but the Japanese were the same way 50 years ago.
True but their entire circumstances were different. Japan was
occupied until 1950 and the West was very hands on rebuilding the
economy and shaping their outlook.
> My belief is that this will change as they start seeing themselves in a more confident light.
First China needs to get rid of communism and that won't be happening
anywhere in the near future.
> My assumption is that most of the Apple products are made in China - at least my iPad is. I also have a Japanese branded guitar made in China that's just spiffy. The Chinese are capable of making wonderful, beautiful, products as well as cheap crap. That's a damn good position to be in.
Your iPad isn't a piece of crap because there are so many inspectors
from America over-seeing their factories. That doesn't mean they
don't try to cheat every chance they get. It's part of the culture
and being punishable by death doesn't seem to deter it.
Avoid cutting yourself when slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them.