On 11/14/2014 12:45 PM, Ophelia wrote:
> "dsi1" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On Friday, November 14, 2014 11:50:17 AM UTC-10, Ophelia wrote:
>>> "dsi1" <> wrote in message
>>> lol I know nothing of Hawaiian stuff. I mean the things posters here
>>> talk
>>> about
>> Thanks for the clairfication. You are correct that a lot of the dishes
>> that are popular here originate from the Chinese. The interesting
>> thing is
>> that we don't use much Chinese spices or exotic ingredents. If we want
>> Chinese food, we go to a Chinese restaurant. We've always had Chinese and
>> Japanese restaurants over here. OTOH, the hot food items these days are
>> from the Koreans and the SE Asians.
> Ah yes, I understood that, but I didn't mean food. I meant items they
> supposed were made in USA they complain that they were in fact made in
> China.
People here will complain about chicken being processed in China. They
think there's something not quite right with that. It sounds a little
goofy to me too but it's all about food on the cheap. I think it's a
great idea myself - now we can get Chinese chicken without even going to
a Chinese restaurant.
Generally speaking though - people will complain about most anything in
this group. It's their nature. :-)