Is Gluten Sensitivity for Real?
On Fri, 14 Nov 2014 15:18:09 -0800, "Julie Bove"
> wrote:
> You can never merely go by a label that says gluten free and assume that the
> product is. Some of this depends on what country you live in. In some
> countries, the product is tested and if it has less and some certain number,
> then it can be said to be GF. In this country, we have things like Rice
> Dream, rice milk. They use barely to polish the rice. Barley contains
> gluten. So while the rice is gluten free and it will say gluten free on the
> box, there might actually be gluten in the milk and people have reacted to
> it. Then there are things that places like Walmart and Trader Joe's sell.
> Things like tomato sauce and canned beans. Should be gluten free but made
> on shared lines so can contain gluten. Even some gluten free baked goods
> are baked in a facility shared with wheat to subject to cross contamination.
> And the famous gluten free pizza. I want to say Dominos but not entirely
> sure which chain it is. Has a disclaimer that it is not to be eaten by
> people with celiac. Because while they are using GF ingredients, they can't
> guarantee that the end result is GF.
People who *need* to eat gluten free ensure that they do it by not
buying processed food and cooking from scratch. Why is this such a
hard concept to understand?
Avoid cutting yourself when slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them.