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Bryan-TGWWW Bryan-TGWWW is offline
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Default McDonald's rejects Simplot's genetically modified potato

On Saturday, November 15, 2014 7:11:49 PM UTC-6, Pico Rico wrote:
> "Janet" > wrote in message
> t...
> > In article >, says...
> >>
> >> "sf" > wrote in message

> >
> >> > My biggest objection to GMOs are the RoundUp ready varieties, which
> >> > means more and stronger pesticides being used on food crops.
> >>
> >> I don't think that is "what it means".

> >
> > She's right. It's the result of using roundup ready crops.
> >
> >
> > environment/04weed.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0
> >
> >
> > idUSTRE78J3TN20110920
> >
> > Janet UK.

> no, it is the natural result of using roundup, regardless of roundup ready
> crops.

True, but far more Roundup is used because of the Roundup ready varieties.

Tell you what I don't support, it's Monsanto's argument that it owns genes
that have invaded non-GMO crops, and left their genetic information. If
Farmer A had a cow, and Farmer B had a patented bull, and his bull jumped
the fence and mated with Farmer A's cow, against Farmer A's wishes, Farmer B
has no legitimate ownership of the calves born as a result of what was
essentially a rape of Farmer A's property. When the worship of Capitalism is
allowed to trump the British common law rights of farmers, we begin the slide
toward the negative utopia of *The Space Merchants*.

I'd be playing good odds if I bet that the same Conservatives that are
tearing pages out of books are keeping *The Space Merchants* out of their
school libraries. How Stalinist--how Maoist of them? They are engaging in
mass stupidity, and don't see how Capitalism has subortinated everything
that Jesus preached in their Bible to a worship of Mammon. I have for years
contended that Mammon is not about the personal feelings of selfishness,
that thing that we all have, but about elevating greed to the status of a
moral good. I paraphrase St. Paul: you cannot follow both Jesus Christ and
Ayn Rand.

As an Atheist leaning Agnostic, I always fall in line with those those whose
hearts belong to the words of Jesus, rather than those who pick and choose
passages from the Bible that restrict sexuality, and deny evolution.
