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graham[_4_] graham[_4_] is offline
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Default McDonald's rejects Simplot's genetically modified potato

On 15/11/2014 7:59 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2014-11-15 21:22, graham wrote:
>> On 15/11/2014 5:48 PM, Janet B wrote:
>>> On Sat, 15 Nov 2014 15:52:52 -0800, sf > wrote:
>>>> On Sat, 15 Nov 2014 16:02:13 -0700, graham > wrote:
>>>>> On 15/11/2014 3:04 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>>>>> I have to wonder what sort of crap people are fed at home that they
>>>>>> would like fast food burgers. My mother was very competent in the
>>>>>> kitchen... in the days when women stayed home and cooked. I was never
>>>>>> impressed with fast food. My brothers and I learned to cook. My son
>>>>>> was raised on good food and worked for a while in restaurants. He
>>>>>> is not
>>>>>> at all into fast food.
>>>>> FFS they are children! They certainly eat well at home and I like the
>>>>> burgers there even though I'm not a devotee of fat food restos (Im
>>>>> cooking a brace of pheasants with port and redcurrant jelly this w/e).
>>>>> I also take them to conventional restaurants where they can interact
>>>>> with the waiter and order their own choices.
>>>> I'm firmly on your side, Graham. My own grandchildren's parents never
>>>> take them to a FF restaurant (nor does my husband) - that's my
>>>> territory. They don't even ask me, I'm the one who suggests it! They
>>>> are learning to cook from scratch with me and their parents and I
>>>> don't experience a shred of guilt when I take them because all have
>>>> healthy eating habits.
>>> Going to a fast food restaurant occasionally does no harm. It's
>>> better than making the kids feel smug and superior to other kids, or
>>> making them feel out of step with other kids and inevitably causing
>>> them to sneak ff and lie about it.
>>> Janet US

>> Some years ago my grandchildren decided that McDo was not for them. It
>> was their decision after they had discussed *their* reasons (very valid
>> ones, I might add) between themselves.
>> I encourage them to argue with me, respectfully of course. It engenders
>> independent and critical thinking.

> Hmmm did they wonder if it is better than feeling smug and superior to
> other kids, and making them feel out of step with other kids and
> inevitably causing them to sneak ff and lie about it as Janet sees it?

Jesus, Dave! you're in a thoroughly cynical mood tonight! Wassamatter?
Been at the brandy meant for your fruit cakes?