McDonald's rejects Simplot's genetically modified potato
On Sun, 16 Nov 2014 09:02:46 -0500, Dave Smith
> wrote:
>On 2014-11-16 12:09 AM, graham wrote:
>> On 15/11/2014 7:59 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>>> Some years ago my grandchildren decided that McDo was not for them. It
>>>> was their decision after they had discussed *their* reasons (very valid
>>>> ones, I might add) between themselves.
>>>> I encourage them to argue with me, respectfully of course. It engenders
>>>> independent and critical thinking.
>>> Hmmm did they wonder if it is better than feeling smug and superior to
>>> other kids, and making them feel out of step with other kids and
>>> inevitably causing them to sneak ff and lie about it as Janet sees it?
>> Jesus, Dave! you're in a thoroughly cynical mood tonight! Wassamatter?
>> Been at the brandy meant for your fruit cakes?
>I was alluding to Janet B's response to my comment about the sort of
>crap that people must be used to at home that they would actually line
>McDonalds food.
Check it out. I was responding to sf.
Janet US