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McDonald's rejects Simplot's genetically modified potato
On Saturday, November 15, 2014 11:20:38 PM UTC-5, Bryan-TGWWW wrote:
> On Saturday, November 15, 2014 7:11:49 PM UTC-6, Pico Rico wrote:
> > "Janet" > wrote in message
> > t...
> > > In article >, says...
> > >>
> > >> "sf" > wrote in message
> > >
> > >> > My biggest objection to GMOs are the RoundUp ready varieties, which
> > >> > means more and stronger pesticides being used on food crops.
> > >>
> > >> I don't think that is "what it means".
> > >
> > > She's right. It's the result of using roundup ready crops.
> > >
> > >
> > > environment/04weed.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0
> > >
> > >
> > > idUSTRE78J3TN20110920
> > >
> > > Janet UK.
> >
> > no, it is the natural result of using roundup, regardless of roundup ready
> > crops.
> True, but far more Roundup is used because of the Roundup ready varieties.
> Tell you what I don't support, it's Monsanto's argument that it owns genes
> that have invaded non-GMO crops, and left their genetic information. If
> Farmer A had a cow, and Farmer B had a patented bull, and his bull jumped
> the fence and mated with Farmer A's cow, against Farmer A's wishes, Farmer B
> has no legitimate ownership of the calves born as a result of what was
> essentially a rape of Farmer A's property. When the worship of Capitalism is
> allowed to trump the British common law rights of farmers, we begin the slide
> toward the negative utopia of *The Space Merchants*.
> I'd be playing good odds if I bet that the same Conservatives that are
> tearing pages out of books are keeping *The Space Merchants* out of their
> school libraries. How Stalinist--how Maoist of them? They are engaging in
> mass stupidity, and don't see how Capitalism has subortinated everything
> that Jesus preached in their Bible to a worship of Mammon. I have for years
> contended that Mammon is not about the personal feelings of selfishness,
> that thing that we all have, but about elevating greed to the status of a
> moral good. I paraphrase St. Paul: you cannot follow both Jesus Christ and
> Ayn Rand.
> As an Atheist leaning Agnostic, I always fall in line with those those whose
> hearts belong to the words of Jesus, rather than those who pick and choose
> passages from the Bible that restrict sexuality, and deny evolution.
> --Bryan
Yes, we've established that you are completely fascinated with yourself. It's a shame the rest of us don't find you as compelling. Shut. Up. And failing that, at least keep your meanderings on topic.