"sf" > wrote in message
> Of course, this will fly right over the pointy heads of those who need
> it the most
> http://www.thekitchn.com/how-to-talk...+ a+food+snob
I think this is one of the better parts of the article. Very true IMO too.
" 'I'm especially put off by people whose first response to someone saying:
"I like such-and-such." is "Ewwww! I hate that!" Why would you rob someone
of their joy? Even if it's not your bag, step outside of yourself for a
second and ask them what it is that makes them love this particular
ingredient, dish, restaurant, cuisine. You get to learn a little something
about it and the person who loves it, and you get a chance to not make the
world suck a little more for them. Bottom line: As I always say, it it
tastes good, it is good — even if it's not to you."