about 9-year-old who won't eat healthy food
On 8/6/2004 6:13 PM Ted shuffled out of his cave and grunted these great
(and sometimes not so great) words of knowledge:
> Try giving him/her a small plate (salad size or smaller) with very small
> portions of each food. Cut up vegetables. Think how threatening a big spear
> of broccoli can look to someone who doesn't like it. Ask them to finish the
> plate before they get more of everything.
You will need your spouse/SO to back you up on this and also to follow
through. This will work. It is called 2 things - Discipline and Tough
You TELL the kid to eat it. They refuse, fine. They get the same thing
on their plate for the next meal. They get NOTHING ELSE until they eat
it. You keep doing this until they eat it.
For instance, they will not eat broccoli at supper. First, no desert or
snacks. They get the broccoli for breakfast. If they eat it, THEN they
can have a "normal" breakfast. They don't eat it, back in the fridge
until lunch and we do it again, and again and again until they do eat
it. I promise they will eat it by day 3 AND THEY WILL BE NO WORSE FOR
IT (and they will not starve either). Of course you may be "a little
worse for wear" with all the yelling and screaming, but that is another
issue that is best handled in the "woodshed".
There is no such thing as an unruly child or dog, just ineffectual