that awful cranberry recipe from national public radio
On Thu, 20 Nov 2014 13:45:21 -0600, John Kuthe >
> On Thu, 20 Nov 2014 13:02:11 -0600, "Phyllis Stone"
> > wrote:
> >I made it this morning and put it in the freezer for Thanksgiving. Boron
> >Elgar, if you are still hanging around the newsgroup, thank you
> >It consists of raw cranberries onion, sour cream, sugar and horseradish
> >sauce. And it does look like pepto bismol pink. It is unique and very good
> Bleck! Onion, sour cream and horseradish? I may taste it but I'd never
> make it that way!
> Just cranberries, water, sugar and some Chambord or other flavor
> enhancing liquor maybe.
> John Kuthe...
You probably wouldn't like a cranberry jalapeno combo either.
Avoid cutting yourself when slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them.