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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Mints

Now I am confused! I posted in a reply in another thread about Scotch Mints
that I used to buy in Canada. But as soon as I had posted this I thought...
Wait! Was that the name? Maybe it was Imperial Mints? And now when I look
them up, I am even more confused. It would seem that they are similar but

The first many times that I bought them, they were at the candy counter,
sold by the pound in the Eaton's department store in Vancouver. And then I
was no longer buying them there but I can't remember why. Either that store
closed or they got rid of the candy counter. I do remember someone
directing us to a candy store that sold them. I think it was in the
downtown area but it may have been the gastown area as we often went there

IIRC, these mints were roundish but not total orbs. Slightly more flat.
But not as flat as a Mentos. Although in looking this up, the Internet says
that Mentos are in fact Scotch Mints. And while I do love Mentos, what I
bought in Canada did not quite seem the same. The way I remember them, the
hard coating was harder and thicker. You couldn't really bite into them at
first because you might break a tooth. You had to suck on them for a time
and then you could finally get to the chewy inside but I remember it being
harder inside than a Mentos as well.

Some years went by and I didn't go to Canada. Then when I did, I didn't run
across any candy counters. I did find bags of similar looking candy which
was sometimes flatter, like a Mentos, but I remember them not being as good
as I remembered. Perhaps less mint flavor? I can't remember. I just
remember that they were not as good as I remembered them to be. But perhaps
these were the Imperial Mints?

In looking them up, I see people saying that they are similar but the
Imperial Mints are more chalky. Then to further confuse matters, in
Australia there are Kool mints that people say are really good and the same
as the other two or at least similar. And in this country, we have Canada
Mints, sometimes called Canadian Mints. Necco is one company that makes
them. They have the same chalky texture as Necco wafers but are much
thicker. I was never very fond of those. I thought the peppermint were
okay but not nearly as good as Altoids. I have never actually seen the
Spearmint. Only pictures. And you couldn't pay me to eat the Wintergreen
ones which for some reason are pink.

So now I am Jonesing for some of these mints! I see Imperial Mints online.
I did not see any fScotch Mints for sale at a place like Amazon. I would
have to get them from another country. And they are expensive! If I could
get a small amount for about $3 to try, it would be no problem. But I don't
want to pay $30 for yucky candy. So... Help! Have you eaten either Scotch
or Imperial mints? What's the difference?