Thread: Mints
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Mints

"Ophelia" > wrote in message
> "S Viemeister" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 11/25/2014 9:16 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>> I think "Scotch" mints are just the US name for Mint Imperials, the
>>>> only other kind of mint are Glacier mints.
>>> I can not currently find anything in this country, online or otherwise
>>> that are labeled as Scotch. I do remember getting some in bulk in a
>>> store that is no longer there but can't remember what they called them.
>>> They tasted and looked just like what I got in Canada.
>>> The ones in your pic look flatter and bigger around than the ones I
>>> remember.

>> The ones I remember (in Scotland) were called pan drops.

> Yes those were the flatter ones, yes? The mint imperials I remember were
> smaller and rounder.

Wow. Just more and more confusing.

I was looking at an Australian candy website and was astounded at all the
things they had for sale there. Some of which we can no longer get here and
some I had never heard of before. They had rock candy which used to be
common here but now if you can find it at all it is only at Christmas and it
is crappy, flavorless stuff. This is not the sugar crystals on the stick
although they had that too. This is the hard candy with the pictures
inside. We used to be able to get lollipops like that here. Can not find
them now.