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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Mints

"Jon" > wrote in message ...
> On 25/11/2014 02:16 pm, Julie Bove wrote:
>> "Jon" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On 25/11/2014 11:26 am, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>> Now I am confused! I posted in a reply in another thread about Scotch
>>>> Mints that I used to buy in Canada. But as soon as I had posted this I
>>>> thought... Wait! Was that the name? Maybe it was Imperial Mints? And
>>>> now when I look them up, I am even more confused. It would seem that
>>>> they are similar but different.
>>>> The first many times that I bought them, they were at the candy
>>>> counter,
>>>> sold by the pound in the Eaton's department store in Vancouver. And
>>>> then I was no longer buying them there but I can't remember why.
>>>> Either
>>>> that store closed or they got rid of the candy counter. I do remember
>>>> someone directing us to a candy store that sold them. I think it was
>>>> in
>>>> the downtown area but it may have been the gastown area as we often
>>>> went
>>>> there too.
>>>> IIRC, these mints were roundish but not total orbs. Slightly more
>>>> flat.
>>>> But not as flat as a Mentos. Although in looking this up, the Internet
>>>> says that Mentos are in fact Scotch Mints. And while I do love Mentos,
>>>> what I bought in Canada did not quite seem the same. The way I
>>>> remember
>>>> them, the hard coating was harder and thicker. You couldn't really
>>>> bite
>>>> into them at first because you might break a tooth. You had to suck on
>>>> them for a time and then you could finally get to the chewy inside but
>>>> I
>>>> remember it being harder inside than a Mentos as well.
>>>> Some years went by and I didn't go to Canada. Then when I did, I
>>>> didn't
>>>> run across any candy counters. I did find bags of similar looking
>>>> candy
>>>> which was sometimes flatter, like a Mentos, but I remember them not
>>>> being as good as I remembered. Perhaps less mint flavor? I can't
>>>> remember. I just remember that they were not as good as I remembered
>>>> them to be. But perhaps these were the Imperial Mints?
>>>> In looking them up, I see people saying that they are similar but the
>>>> Imperial Mints are more chalky. Then to further confuse matters, in
>>>> Australia there are Kool mints that people say are really good and the
>>>> same as the other two or at least similar. And in this country, we
>>>> have
>>>> Canada Mints, sometimes called Canadian Mints. Necco is one company
>>>> that makes them. They have the same chalky texture as Necco wafers but
>>>> are much thicker. I was never very fond of those. I thought the
>>>> peppermint were okay but not nearly as good as Altoids. I have never
>>>> actually seen the Spearmint. Only pictures. And you couldn't pay me
>>>> to
>>>> eat the Wintergreen ones which for some reason are pink.
>>>> So now I am Jonesing for some of these mints! I see Imperial Mints
>>>> online. I did not see any fScotch Mints for sale at a place like
>>>> Amazon. I would have to get them from another country. And they are
>>>> expensive! If I could get a small amount for about $3 to try, it would
>>>> be no problem. But I don't want to pay $30 for yucky candy. So...
>>>> Help! Have you eaten either Scotch or Imperial mints? What's the
>>>> difference?
>>> Mint Imperials are usually white or sometimes with blue or green if
>>> ether Peppermint or Spearmint...
>>> I think "Scotch" mints are just the US name for Mint Imperials, the
>>> only other kind of mint are Glacier mints of the hard variety.

>> I can not currently find anything in this country, online or otherwise
>> that are labeled as Scotch. I do remember getting some in bulk in a
>> store that is no longer there but can't remember what they called them.
>> They tasted and looked just like what I got in Canada.
>> The ones in your pic look flatter and bigger around than the ones I
>> remember.

> A Google Search for Scotch Mints came up with this pic,
> https://damewallis.files.wordpress.c...otch-mints.jpg
> I think Scotch Mints is the North American name to what we call in the UK,
> Mint Imperials
> A round white hard chalky candy, and not like the soft chewy candy shelled
> Mentos kind.

These were for sure not chalky. Hard outside, chewy but still kind of hard