Produce Converter
On Wed, 26 Nov 2014 09:36:25 -0500, Dave Smith
> wrote:
>>> Well, we lived 15 miles from the high school, so your walk would have
>>> taken all day without a bus.
>>> Cheri
>It was a mile and a half walk to my high school. My father used to talk
>about walking miles and miles to school. He had grown up in a house on
>the edge of town and the school was on the other side of town. I guess
>distances seem a lot further when you are young, time moves more slowly
>and you are walking on little legs. I was in that little town a few
>weeks ago. There were three streets that go east-west and four that go
>north-south. You would have to do several laps around town to put in a
>mile. His walk was probably a couple hundred yards.
It was 3 1/2 miles to my HS; Ave. P & E. 2nd St. to Ocean Parkway &
Brighten Beach... yoose can check mapquest. Weather permiting we
sometimes rode bicycles but most times we walked... we were issued
free passes for public transportation but that actually took longer...
there were no big yellow school buses back then, there were small
busses (vans) for handicapped kids. Grade school was about 1/3 mile.
JHS was about 1 mile. Most kids walked, rode bicycles, sometimes
roller skated. Grade school was kindergarten thru 6th... many of the
6th graders did crossing guard duty, I still have my crossing guard
badge. Parents didn't need to watch kids going to school back then,
NYC streets were pretty safe in the '50s, mostly had to be careful not
to step in the horse shit... yes, there were lots of horse drawn carts
back then, one of my chores was to take my wagon up and down the
streets shoveling horse shit for the garden, in winter kids collected
fallen coal, in summer we'd steal chunks of ice while the iceman made
deliveries. We didn't have cell phones, didn't need any stinkin' cell
phones, we had windows! An apple was a red round thing we glommed
from the green grocer. Kids today are truly wusses... soccer mommies
have to drive their spoiled little pussys everywhere... at twelve
years old I walked to the dentist/doctor for my school check-up, went
myself too... Dr. Scoppa's nurse had lovely large breasts.