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Becca EmaNymton Becca EmaNymton is offline
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Posts: 536
Default OT - I did it again.

On 12/6/2014 11:21 AM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:

> Cremation, IMO, can be more personal. I'm not one to visit graves of
> the dead. All that remains is the body that no longer functions. I
> have some of my brother's ashes and I think of him more when I see them
> than all my other relatives that are under the ground hundreds of miles
> away.
> If my wife passes before me, I'd just want a tiny bit of her ashes to
> carry with me in some sort of a locket. Her soul, her thoughtfulness,
> her personality cannot be replaced and a body in the ground is just
> that. The locket would be a way of remembering what once was.
> When I go, my family should dispose of my body as cheap as possible.
> Better they should use any money left for their own benefit instead of
> some undertaker or casket maker. I'd rather they enjoy a vacation
> instead of getting fancy silks in the box and brass handles to be buried
> in a 6' deep hole. I don't want a viewing either. Better my friends
> visit today so we can enjoy a drink or dinner and have a couple of
> laughs together than they visit when I'm dead and cannot see them.
> I'm sure many disagree, but that works for me.

Ed, I like you.
