OT - I did it again.
On 12/6/2014 1:47 PM, rosie wrote:
> On Saturday, December 6, 2014 11:21:37 AM UTC-6, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> On 12/5/2014 9:36 PM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> When I go, my family should dispose of my body as cheap as
>> possible. Better they should use any money left for their own
>> benefit instead of some undertaker or casket maker. I'd rather they
>> enjoy a vacation instead of getting fancy silks in the box and
>> brass handles to be buried in a 6' deep hole. I don't want a
>> viewing either. Better my friends visit today so we can enjoy a
>> drink or dinner and have a couple of laughs together than they
>> visit when I'm dead and cannot see them.
>> I'm sure many disagree, but that works for me.
> Well, my husband wants to be cremated and then taken to tthe Moose
> Bridge in Wyoming and dropped off there. The kids asked me what I
> wanted and I just told them I didn't care. Finally Mark and Jill got
> an idea, they will have me cremated and dropped off in different
> places I have loved. What ever they want to do is fine with me,
> sprinkled all over the world is as good as anything.
Rosie, that sounds wonderful.