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sf[_20_] sf[_20_] is offline
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Posts: 24
Default Inexpensive pine nuts

On Mon, 8 Dec 2014 12:14:32 -0800 (PST), dsi1 >

> The only component likely to be built in the US are the hard drives. Perhaps

I should try a non-American built drive cause those things don't last very long
- I got a drawer of 'em to prove it.

My computer guy said they die because the HD gets too hot and blames
the amount of space allowed for air circulation for it. He advised me
against installing a hybrid HD for this computer because I'd have to
upgrade so many other parts that I might as well buy a new one, so
I'll let this (2T) HD die in 3-4 more years and just buy a new
computer... with a hybrid HD. Or maybe I'll go completely SSD and
keep everything on thumb drives. Haven't given that part much thought
to tell you the truth. You're way ahead of my curve, so you'll
probably figure it out before I even have to face it.

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