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sf[_20_] sf[_20_] is offline
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Posts: 24
Default Inexpensive pine nuts

On Mon, 8 Dec 2014 13:52:03 -0800 (PST), dsi1 >

> bought my last desktop computer. It was an offer I could not refuse. It was

a small, low-wattage, system. My other desktops have big processors that run at
95to 125 Watts. My new one runs around 7 to 9 Watts. With 4GB of RAM, 500GB HD,
and Win 8, for $
239 - what a deal! It even has a DVD burner. It's not so speedy but it'll work
fast enough for the work I gotta do.

I love my quad core processor and would get more cores if it's an
affordable option the next time around! Speaking of DVD burner.
Mine was dead (it died years ago after very little use), but I decided
I wouldn't replace it and get a portable drive instead. That way I
can use it on more than one computer.

A kitchen without a cook is just a room

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